Section 1: Introducing Crow (Page 4 of 4)

Besides the mystery and incredible intelligence of crows, I am today much more interested in birds, as a whole. I love their freedom of movement, and occasionally try to visualize the experience of flight in my meditations. The few times I have had dreams of flying, I...

Section 1: Introducing Crow (Page 3 of 4)

What is it about birds, anyway? In truth, I never gave any bird much thought until I spent time in Vancouver. While there, I encountered not only the crow, but also two eagle sightings, two eagles that appeared to me at meaningful moments, as if in a dream. I have...

Section 1: Introducing Crow (Page 2 of 4)

Since this incident, I have remained mystified by crows, though I have sought to learn more about their peculiar habits and history. When I think of crows today, I generally associate the corvid with a feeling of disturbance, or dread. Since my return to Canada’s...